Martial Arts
Shinobi no mono, Ninjutsu, Ninpo. The art of invisibility developed in Feudal Japan more than 1,000 years ago by a people being oppressed by another. Shinobi no jutsu comprised of many secret combat techniques called: Taijutsu (empty hand combat) Jutaijutsu popularly known as Jujutsu as well as many other arts can still be learned today. Come and be a part of the Historic Tradition.
Consciousness, Focus, Discipline, Humility, Self Defense
Adult & Children Classes
2:30 pm to 5:00 pm
12:30 pm to 4:30 pm
Membership Fees
Adult $75.00/month
Children $50.00/month
Course Curriculum
Hakko Ryu Jujutsu.

M.E.D.I.N.A. stands for Muslims Encouraging Deen In North America
M.E.D.I.N.A. began in 1997 as the sisterhood arm of Masjid At Taqwa
M.E.D.I.N.A. was incorporated as a Not For Profit corporation – April 2, 2004
M.E.D.I.N.A.’s main goals and purposes are to help poor women and families with children; address the needs and concerns of youth; and assist elderly, sick, disabled and homebound.
M.E.D.I.N.A. organizes and hosts annual and monthly activities such as:
Health Symposiums
Health Fairs
Do Me Days
Janazah Workshops
Halaqa Circles
Eid ul Fitr Festivities
Eid ul Adhr ‘Feed the People’ – food distribution program
Trips to Islamic sisters’ conferences
To reserve or inquire about the Programs, email [email protected], or call (718) 622-0800. Please note that the programs run at diffrent times of the year.

Quran Classes
Timing Saturday & Sunday w/ Shaykh Hassan from 10 am – 1 pm; w/ Shaykh Ibrahim from Asr – Maghrib salah
To reserve or inquire about the Programs, email [email protected], or call (718) 622-0800. Please note that the programs run at diffrent times of the year.

Sabiqoon Sisters Halaqah
Sundays biweekly @ 2pm
Sabiqoon Sisters Halaqah is a safe space for our muslim youth where they are reminded with Islamic reminders and are surrounded by their fellow muslimahs.

Girl Scouts
Masjid At Taqwa Girl Scout Troop # 02123
The Girl Scouts have six levels: Daisy, Brownie, Junior, Cadette, Senior and Ambassador.
Girl Scouts move or “bridge” to the next level, usually at the end of the school year, when they reach the age of advancing. Girl Scouting at the Masjid is bolstered by Islamic values and character development which helps girls develop their full individual potential; relate to others with increasing understanding, skill, and respect; develop values to guide their actions and provide the foundation for sound decision making; and contribute to the improvement of the community through their abilities, leadership skills, and actions.
Brownies – Hanniyah
Juniors – Kendra
Cadettes – Fatimah and Maryam
Seniors and Ambassadors – Yvette